Beverly Hills Center for Digestive Health

Celebrate National Immunization Awareness Month with Dr. Davidson!

Home 9 Gastroenterology 9 Celebrate National Immunization Awareness Month with Dr. Davidson!
National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) occurs during August every year. This National Health Observances holiday is recognized across the country, serving as a reminder of the crucial importance of vaccination — for people of all ages. NIAM encourages patients to take the initiative and stay up-to-date on their vaccinations.

Raise Immunization Awareness in Your Community

Raise awareness about vaccines during August and beyond. Vaccines prevent serious (even deadly) diseases as well as the spread of everyday ailments.

NIAM is sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in close collaboration with the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

All Ages Benefit from Vaccinations

People in all stages of life need to stay updated on vaccinations throughout their lives. It’s an ongoing process.

  • Immunizations protect infants and children from 14 serious diseases by the age of 2.
  • Preteens and teens require vaccinations because they are often exposed to friends and germ-ridden facilities.
  • Adults need vaccinations, but many shun the idea, thinking they’ve had theirs while they were young and it’s just not necessary anymore.
  • Seniors might need additional vaccines as well.

Stay Ahead of the Problem

Parents, make sure your children are up-to-date on their vaccines. That applies to pre schoolers and college students. Make sure that you’re current on your own vaccinations as well.

Especially make certain children are good to go with vaccinations before sending them back to school. Encourage your college-aged students to engage in dialogues with healthcare professionals regarding vaccines.

Getting vaccinated early will prevent you, your family, even your friends from getting hit with the flu. Take care of those you care about by first taking care of yourself. Vaccines prevent the following disorders:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Varicella (chickenpox)
  • HPV

Vaccines can help prevent patients from getting diseases like HPV, and also the related cancers that can often come along with it later on in life, including anal cancer.

Vaccines Are Your First and Best Line of Defense

Vaccines prevent serious diseases. Use National Immunization Awareness Month as a catalyst to get all your vaccinations in order and completed. Check with your healthcare provider to make sure which vaccines you need. There are plenty of educational resources on the Center for Disease Control’s website.

Contact Beverly Hills Center for Digestive Health to make sure that your digestive system is in optimum shape, which will help enhance the great health benefits you experience from your vaccinations. Call today to make an appointment with Dr. Davidson.

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Monday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 5pm
Sunday – Saturday: Closed

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