Beverly Hills Center for Digestive Health

Constipation Causes and Remedies

At Beverly Hills Center for Digestive Health, we are not afraid to tackle the tough issues. We realize that nobody probably wants to talk about constipation, so we’ll lend our expertise in the form of this blog post so you don’t have to talk about it. Though many might be hesitant to advertise it to the rest of the world, a lot of people suffer from constipation on a daily basis.

If you have infrequent bowel movements, you could suffer from constipation. Though the length of time between bowel movements vary from person to person, going, say, 3 or more days without one is probably too long. Some people might go number two as many as three times daily or as few as only a few times a week.

In addition to few bowel movements, one can experience harder or smaller stools, swollen belly or belly pain, and even nausea or vomiting.

Causes of Constipation

Not enough water, not being active, changes in diet or activity, increased or large amounts of dairy consumption, eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and even neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease or MS can cause constipation. Of course, problems in the digestive system might relate to the nerves and cause constipation: same with stress and an underactive thyroid.

Home Remedies for Constipation

Patients have said that drinking two to four extra glasses of water a day helps. Try warm liquids, especially in the morning. If you don’t eat fruits and vegetables on the regular already, it’s a good time to start now as well. Prunes and bran cereal, anything with fiber can help increase regularity as well.

If the above measures prove inadequate, don’t be too shy to consider over the counter stool softeners or a laxative such as magnesium hydroxide — just make sure that you don’t overuse laxatives because it can actually have an adverse effect and promote constipation.

Of course, if symptoms persist, it’s important that you get a specialist involved. Beverly Hills Center for Digestive Health is here for you. Contact us today and we’ll schedule your one on one consultation. We’ll come up with a proactive plan to alleviate constipation so you can move on with your life.

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